Practice 5

Using mathematics and computational thinking
Next Generation Science Standards

Materials related to this Standard

Click the title to download the file. Click "details" to view details about the file.

Biomagnification question set

Biomagnification question set

Getting familiar with frequency plot types

Getting familiar with frequency plot types

Graphing data sheet with questions (Data Analysis)

Graphing data sheet with questions (Data Analysis)

Language for describing correlations (slideshow)

Language for describing correlations (slideshow)

Language for describing relationships (correlation document)

Language for describing relationships (correlation document)

Language for describing time series

Language for describing time series

Make a box plot from a dot plot

Make a box plot from a dot plot

Making a dot plot and scaling its axis

Making a dot plot and scaling its axis

Meaningful difference example

Meaningful difference example

Mercury background math warm-up

Mercury background math warm-up

Mini Lesson 2 (PRAC) Hurricane Duration

Mini Lesson 2 (PRAC) Hurricane Duration

Mini Lesson 2 (PRAC) Hurricane Wind Speeds

Mini Lesson 2 (PRAC) Hurricane Wind Speeds

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Acadia and Greenville Precipitation

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Acadia and Greenville Precipitation

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Belfast Temperatures

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Belfast Temperatures

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Cell Phones

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Cell Phones

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Chromosome Number - Plants and Animals

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Chromosome Number - Plants and Animals

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Gas Prices

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Gas Prices

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) House Insulation and Temperature

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) House Insulation and Temperature

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Maine Lake Fish

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Maine Lake Fish

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Midges

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Midges

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Reaction Time

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Reaction Time

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Tide Heights AM and PM

Mini Lesson 3 (PRAC) Tide Heights AM and PM

Mini Lesson 4 (PRAC) Glass Eels

Mini Lesson 4 (PRAC) Glass Eels
