Welcome! Culverts and Stream Ecology

In the 2012-2013 school year we will embark on a new research project with scientists, teachers and students from the coastal watersheds in Maine. Our overarching question is:

How do culverts affect stream macroinvertebrate communities?

Macroinvertebrates, large, backbone-less organisms living in streams and other aquatic habitats can tell us a lot about the health of the waters and about the functioning of a stream. The Culvert Project involves teachers and students in researching stream ecology and culverts in their own communities. The data they collect about the stream insects living above and below culverts offers insight into how best to develop this pilot study into a deeper line of inquiry.

Work by the students and teachers provides National Park Service (NPS), state agencies, and researchers with data that can support resource management and new research. If you would like to be involved in this project please contact or


Welcome! Culverts and Stream Ecology
Welcome! Culverts and Stream Ecology