Culvert sampling... they're all so different!
Wow, so far we've been to four of the over 10,000 culverts in the State of Maine! What can we say about them? They're all totally different.
With the crew from Cobscook Community Learning Center we went to a really sweet culvert on the South Edmunds Road and had a great day of sampling. The culvert appears to be a flattened round culvert (also called a pipe arch culvert) and the stream was a shallow stream with a lot of riffles, although right below the culvert there was a deep splash pool.
In Old Town we sampled two different culverts with the Old Town sixth graders- a box culvert on Pug Brook and a stone culvert on the bike path that runs from Old Town to the University of Maine in Orono. Pug Brook is a slow moving stream with dark, tea colored water. The bottom was sandy below the culvert, but rather mucky above.
On the bike path we had a wide cat-tail rimmed stream that dropped into a boggier cat-tail marshy area.